Great Ocean Road - Anglesea > Apollo Bay

"Do you love the ocean and could you love the ocean with me" - Z. 

Anglesea > Lorne > Apollo Bay
This has been the best part of our trip. 
Riding along the coast with the mountains on one side and the ocean on the other,
so beautiful that I had to say "Aww, it's so beautiful here" every five minutes (at least) haha. 
If you ever think about doing the Great Ocean Road do not rush this part! I'm pretty sad that we didn't 
stopped in Lorne, though it may be just a small village it was so beautiful (ha, even here I can't stop
 using that word) and lovely. We just drove through but I think I liked Lorne more than Apollo Bay.
Anyway, that's the third day of our Great Ocean Road trip so enjoy!


  1. oh schön. ganz ganz wundervolle eindrücke <3
    alles liebe. Monika

  2. The trip must have been remarkable!♥ I wish I had such good friends to go on road trip as well!
